
Archive for the General Diet Category

What Causes Gout

Gout is an inflammation of joints. It causes painful swelling in bodys joints. Some of these affected joints are the big toe, wrist elbow, finger, knee, ankle, heel and the arch of the foot. For patients of this ailment, any form of movement is a Herculean task. The cause of gout can be eliminated naturally […]


Detoxification – An Ancient Ritual Diet

Much has been written about the detox diet (detoxification) over the decades. It seems the past ten years, roughly, have seen an explosion of these diets. The basic principle is the same across all of them, and that is to use foods (or liquids) to help your body get rid of toxins. First, we must […]


Apple Cider Vinegar Helps In Curing Acid Reflux

Snow white slowly took a small bite belonging to the apple and she fell to the ground losing consciousness. Most children, and even the adults, have an understanding of this fairy tale story. It is in actual fact a little tale, in true to life, the apple will make wonders.In reality, the majority have problems […]


treating gout

Gout, also known as acute gouty arthritis, is a sudden onset of joint pain. This happens mostly in the legs and feet. Gout occurs when there is a build up of uric acid in the joints. Gout causes fever, joint pain, joint redness, stiff joints, and can sometimes cause skin lumps which can leak a […]


Lower Back Pain and Sciatica

Each year, many people are forced to miss out on activities they enjoy because of sciatica-related pain. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back all the way down the legs, and the pain associated with sciatica can be severe. Sciatica can be caused by many issues including herniated discs, bone spurs, poor posture, obesity, […]