Abdominal Pain? Bloating? IBS? Ouch!
Abdominal Pain?
This might (should) shock you:
20%, that’s one out of every five people in the US has IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) symptoms, making it one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions by doctors. A hundred years ago, perhaps one in five hundred or fewer had these symptoms. It was so rare, there wasn’t even a name for it.
So can you guess what condition the medical community and drug companies are geared up and ready to treat? That’s right. Abdominal pain – IBS. Prevention is not taught in major medical schools and few if any doctors will ever tell you what actually causes it or how to get rid of it.
So, keep reading.
The most common cause of abdominal pain and bloating (IBS) is poor digestion. This digestive train wreck starts in your stomach when you present it with different food types together, say animal protein and carbohydrate. Let’s say meat and potatoes for example, or rice and chicken or ham and cheese on sour dough. Wow, that sounds like pretty common fare doesn’t it? Yes, it is. That’s why the problem is so pervasive.
In the digestive process, your stomach’s job has more to do with the proteins than it does with the carbs. So, when carbs show up with the protein, the carbs reduce the effectiveness of the hydrochloric acid to break down the proteins. The results are two fold: too much acid is secreted by the stomach and a wad of non-digested food is sent on down the line to the small intestines.
The small intestine’s job has more to do with the carbs and fruits that come through. With improperly combined foods, this mass of partially digested stuff arrives in the intestines, which can’t deal with all the extra acid nor with the proteins that are all messed up with the carbs. The still non-digested food is sent along to the large intestine. By-products of this are gas, bloating, gurgling, queasy feeling, diarrhea, etc.
Now let’s talk about bugs or bacteria. There are millions of the little guys in your gut. Under normal circumstances, different types of beneficial bacteria live in your large and small intestines and they each have different functions. They are vital in the digestion process. Most carbohydrates are absorbed in your small intestine with little or no gas produced. The only exception is dietary fiber. That passes to your large intestine. The bacteria in your large intestine break down fiber and as they’re doing that, gas is produced. It usually isn’t a problem for a well-functioning system because the bacteria absorb most of the gas. Any excess is passed as occasional (normal) flatulence.
There is a condition called SIBO, which stands for – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. SIBO is a condition where some of the bacteria from your large intestine move up and invades the small intestine.
When this happens, the fiber you’ve eaten begins to be broken down too soon — in your small intestine. Since the small intestine is not equipped to handle this and it doesn’t have enough of the right bacteria to absorb the resulting gas, that leads to the familiar IBS bloating, gas and pain.
Normally three factors prevent SIBO from happening in a healthy gut:
1- Acids in the small intestine kill off any invaders from the large intestine
2- Peristalsis — the contractions that move your food through the digestive tract prevent the bacteria in your large intestine from “swimming upstream”
3- Bacterial competition — healthy bacteria in the small intestine fight off bacteria from the large intestine
BUT if any of those three preventive measures is harmed somehow, SIBO can result…and lead to IBS symptoms.
Here’s an interesting fact: A common cause of SIBO today is antacids. This is because antacids neutralize the acid in your small intestine and make it unable to fight off large intestinal bacteria like it should. Here’s the kicker: Antacids are commonly taken for IBS symptoms, but as you now can see, they actually make the problem WORSE.
Antibiotics are another culprit in creating SIBO. This is because antibiotics destroy the protective flora (bacteria) in your small intestine, which makes it easier for the invaders from the large intestine to take over.
People with IBS can feel hopeless. After all, the typical mainstream “remedies” for IBS — laxatives, antacids, anti- spasmodics and anti-depressants — do NOTHING to address what’s truly going on in your gut.
They just make it things worse, upsetting the bacterial balance of both the small and large intestines.
If you learn how to combine foods properly, way up top, your digestion can happen as it was designed to. Then, with a proper balance of beneficial bacteria, the carbohydrates, the proteins and all your food will be broken down where they’re supposed to be, without the horrible gas and bloating. That means no more constipation and diarrhea, and better nutrient absorption.
Changing your diet is absolutely recommended. But the average person with IBS today has been eating they way they do their whole lives and couldn’t and wouldn’t change their diet even if their life depended on it. But, it’s really not that hard, especially when you experience the benefits of better digestion.
Learn how to eat with the Great Taste No Pain system. Lose weight, feel better, fight disease and start your IBS-free life today. Get a Free No Abdominal Pain Report here and restore your body’s digestion. See what it’s like to experience a “miracle.”
End Stomach Pain. Say No to GERD, Acid Reflux.
If You have Stomach Pain it could be Acid Reflux or GERD.
This article could be very important for you. Contrary to what you might have been told, Acid Reflux or GERD are not diseases. They are symptoms of how you eat.
“But the commercials, and magazine ads…and even my doctor calls it acid reflux disease.” Well, dig in a little deeper and you can find out what’s really going on.
When you whack the coffee table in the dark with your shin, the resulting bruise is not a coffee table disease. It’s a result of an action that you did. Stop the action, stop the bruising result. Same thing with Stomach Pain – GERD – Acid Reflux.
You see, when someone with a so-called stomach pain “disease,” changes how they eat, changes what order they eat things, and the pain goes away almost immediately,it’s not a disease.
It’s simply improper food combinations that cause the stomach to overproduce acid enzymes, which for a variety of reasons flow up into your esophagus, creating a burning sensation. Certain foods and food combinations can upset this delicate balance and create the wrong chemical condition in your body — acidity.
You body works just fine as long as you sustain the right chemical balance — having a blood pH that’s somewhat alkaline. Things aren’t so fine when the accumulation of acid from your body’s digestion and the waste products from cell metabolism are greater than what your body can eliminate.
“Steady drips can sink the ships.” As with the ship, if there’s a small ‘leak’ you might not notice it for a while and you’ll stay afloat with no side effects. But, over time, as the acid accumulates you begin to sink. Your organs can’t work like they should. Aches and pains pop up. Sickness can flourish.
One of the many side effects caused by eating in a way that upsets your body’s sought after chemical balance is acid reflux.
Acid Reflux or GERD or Stomach Pain can be nothing more than your stomach telling you it can’t efficiently digest what you’ve put in it. It just produces more digestive enzymes trying to accomplish its task, but it’s fighting a losing battle.
Then what happens? Your stomach contents, partially digested food with acid and digestive enzymes, seep up into the esophagus and you feel the burn in your chest. This nonetheless, is NOT a disease — it’s your body telling you to change your diet and eat foods that will help reinstate your chemical balance!
So, what’s the answer? It may sound trite, but it’s really quite simple: Eat the proper foods in the proper order. That’s it! Do this, and your life changes amazingly fast. You can buy all the right foods from the grocery store not from a diet catalog or ‘weigh in’ store.
You will be able to eat what you want, not have to prop up in bed up, or take any of the heartburn drugs. Your body’s chemical balance will be restored. Your stomach pain will be over and many other benefits of an alkaline state will appear as well.
If you’ve suffered with Acid Reflux, it’s time for a change. Get a Free No Stomach Pain Report here and restore your body’s alkaline pH. See what it’s like to experience a “miracle.”