

Try DGL for relief from Heartburn

by: Rudy Silva

In the 1940’s licorice was discovered to be useful in treating peptic ulcers. Unfortunately it had side effects that lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and fluid retention.

Researchers discovered that the ingredient in licorice that caused those side effects was “glycyrrhizin.” They were able to remove 97% of this chemical and the result was a product call “deglycyrrhizinated” licorice, DGL. DGL maintained its healing properties but had no side effects.

DGL was first used to heal ulcers in the stomach and duodenum without suppressing stomach acids. DGL worked just as good as the drugs Zantac or Tagamet that are designed to suppress stomach acid.

As more people used DGL, they found they got relief from a variety of stomach issues – heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, and gas. In addition, they found using DGL was better than using antacids or acid blockers.

DGL works by improving and restoring the integrity of the esophageal, stomach and duodenum lining. It does this by promoting mucus release and cell rebuilding. The mucus released provides gastrointestinal lining protection from acids and gives the lining time to rebuild and regenerated. The result is healing and strengthening of the affected tissue.

Here’s how to use DGL. DGL comes in large tablets that you place in your mouth and allowed to melt. You can chew them slightly but not swallow them since it is your salvia that helps activate the DGL.

By allowing DGL to melt in your mouth the resulting liquid will now run along your esophagus and start the healing process where ever there is tissue inflammation or damage.

Use two tablets 3-4 times a day on an empty stomach. Do not use any water when you are taking the tablets. You can take the tablets at least an hour before you eat and an hour after you eat.

Although DGL provides relief for heartburn, acid reflux and other stomach disturbances it does not totally provide a cure. It does provide recover from damaged gastrointestinal lining as occurs with ulcers, but does not change the level of stomach acid.

In some cases Heartburn is caused by to little or to much stomach acid. When too little acid is causing heartburn or acid reflux it makes no sense to use antacids or acid blocking drugs which decrease your stomach acid even more. Low levels of stomach acid leads to serious illnesses.

Because so much is still unknown about the cause of acid reflux or heartburn, it is known that DGL can give you some acid reflux relief and in some case mild cases cure it.

Use DGL for mild or severe cases of heartburn or acid reflux and you will be surprised at the results you get.

Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist.


Cut the Gut – Thin Those Thighs

Shrink Big Guts & Thunder Thighs with Probiotics

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past several years,
you’ve probably heard how probiotics can help with digestive problems like IBS, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and Celiac disease.

You also might know that about 70% of your immune system resides in your gut in the form of your friendly flora…so making sure yours is strong will help prevent colds, flu and infections.

You may even be a “probiotic expert” and know that they can help lessen attacks of allergies and asthma.

But here’s something I bet you don’t know:

Current studies suggest probiotics can be beneficial in obesity and the frequently resulting Type II diabetes!

Here’s the scoop:

Gut flora–you’ve got tons!

The human intestinal tract harbors an astronomical number (trillions!) of microorganisms, otherwise known as your gut flora.

Your flora is made up of both “good” (health-enhancing probiotic) bacteria as well as “bad” (disease-causing, harmful) bacteria.

Experts have long recommended that an ideal balance for most people to maintain good health is at least 85% good bacteria and 15% or less bad.

But now those numbers are even MORE important.

Because research is suggesting that, since your gut flora has an impact on how well your body absorbs nutrients and regulates energy, obese and lean people may have some major differences in their gut microbes.

So although diet, efficient digestion and exercise are still essential to proper weight maintenance, your flora balance is also likely a key factor in whether you are plump or svelte.

Type II diabetes and Obesity are close friends

Type II diabetes has long gone hand in hand with obesity.

Here’s why:

Our modern diets loaded with processed foods and refined carbs packs on the pounds and creates a vicious cycle in your body that begs for diabetes.

You see, nutrient-poor processed foods and refined carbohydrates (sugars, white flour, white rice and all products made with them), basically turn to nothing but sugar (glucose) in your body.

If your body burns up the glucose for energy, that’s fine. But the problem arises when there is SO much excess glucose over and above what you need for daily fuel.

Excess glucose not used by your body is stored as FAT.

And most people are eating WAAAY too many processed, refined foods day in and day out, and packing on the pounds as a result. 1+1=2.

Plus, you’re tempting fate with your pancreas. Having excessive amounts of glucose in your blood consistently is a great way to stress your pancreas because it has to operate in overdrive to keep up with your insulin needs.

Eventually it either can’t keep up, or your cells start becoming resistant to the insulin…

…Type II diabetes coming on

So, it follows that the current researchers are hopeful that if obesity can be prevented through diet, exercise and now probiotics, so can the frequently resulting diabetes.

Review Probiotics

Here are some of the promising studies and reviews that support the connection between healthy gut flora and the prevention of obesity and diabetes:

* In a 2010 double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 87 people with high body mass index were randomly assigned to eat either probiotic-laced yogurt or just ordinary yogurt.

The researchers found that subjects who consumed the probiotic-laced yogurt had significantly reduced abdominal fat, body weight, and other factors that support the benefits of probiotics on metabolic disorders like diabetes.

* In an animal study, supplementation with the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve in obese mice fed a high-fat diet slowed the accumulation of body weight and fat.

* A December 2011 review in Acta Diabetologica noted that “the last 5 years have demonstrated that intestinal microbiotica, at its molecular level, is a causal factor early in the development of the diseases…” (referring to metabolic disorders such as diabetes).

Very exciting indeed!

The flip side–our grim reality

While these findings are very promising, now it’s time to take a look at our current grim reality.

We Americans (and citizens of many other developed countries around the world) are getting fatter and fatter, and our rates of diabetes are frightening.

According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), more than 1 out of 3 (35.7%) of U.S. adults are obese!

Plus, currently about 25 million people in the US have diabetes, and health experts estimate that in the next 40 yrs, that number could triple — to 75 million or more!

Diabetes is nothing to play with. If it’s poorly controlled (or worse yet, undiagnosed), it can lead to heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, gangrenous infections (that may require amputation) blindness, strokes and even death.


Don’t let yourself become an obesity/diabetes statistic.

Not when there is SO much you can do to help, even if you currently face those health challenges or others.

Here are the 3 health-enhancing measures that will give YOU the most bang for your buck in the fight against, and prevention of, obesity and diabetes.

1. You got to move and get exercise

No question here folks–if you don’t move, you don’t stand a snowball’s chance in you-know-where of effectively fighting obesity and diabetes.

And don’t even try to tell me you don’t have the time. The average person watches TV and surfs the net at least 4 hours a day. Give up a little of that time on your caboose and work up a sweat instead.

You don’t have to exercise like an Olympic athlete. Even brisk walking is helpful. Just pick an activity you like or can at least tolerate and do it at least 3-4 days a week.

2. Use high quality probiotics

The studies continue to support how crucial a proper flora balance is to your health from head to toe.

That’s why supplementation with a good, potent probiotic is SO essential for SO many people.

And if you’re looking for a medical-grade, multi-strain formula, Super Shield is your ticket.

Super Shield contains 13 of the most potent, proven probiotic species, including the Bifidobacteria breve that was cited in one of the studies I quoted above.

These “good guys” take their place along your intestinal walls, crowding out harmful microorganisms, enhancing your digestion, beefing up your immune system, encouraging regular bowel movements…

Oh, and helping to fight obesity and diabetes too!


3.Lay off the processed foods and refined carbs

In the Great Taste No Pain health system, I show you delicious ways to enjoy REAL foods — whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish. And the meals are all easily digested, so you get the nutrients from your foods, instead of having them destroyed with overproduction of acid and poor digestion.

These are foods that are nutrient-dense and don’t result in the harmful onslaught of sugar in your body like processed and refined foods.

That means less excess glucose to turn to fat (obesity), and less likelihood of insulin resistance and the resulting type II diabetes.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Heartburn video

Hiatal Hernia – Replacement Valve ExophyX


You have to see this:  A clinical study for those of us GERD sufferers, who don’t mind being a study subject for a new upper stomach valve:

I was curious, and went to the site for more information.


Avoid antacids

Want to get off the Antacids?

Antacid use is VERY common these days.

People pop them left and right, many times daily or after each meal.

Some people even take them just to get calcium, for heaven’s sake!

The logic behind antacids appears sound at first.  But it’s not.  It’s dangerous.  Even though, they can temporarily stop digestive pain, they cannot be taken for long periods without serious consequences.

You see, the acid in your stomach serves some VERY important functions that you don’t want to mess with.

Here are two of the most essential functions:

1- Your body processing food – digestion

Acid digestive enzymes are CRUCIAL to properly digest proteins. So when your stomach secretes acid to break down meat, cheese or other protein, it’s doing its job and should not be interfered with.

When your foods are not broken down like they should be you get gas, bloating and pain.

Plus inadequate digestion also causes protein molecules that are too large to pass through your intestinal wall. From there they travel through the bloodstream and can cause inflammation and pain–anywhere in your body is fair game.

They can also put your immune system on alert, making it mistake these food molecules as dangerous invaders and launch an attack.

That’s how food sensitivities and food allergies are born.
And here’s another lesser-known yet important function of those acids of yours:

2- Protection against bad bacteria

It’s estimated that 300 to 400 BILLION bacteria enter your stomach with EACH MEAL. Under normal circumstances, the strong acid found in gastric juices kills most of these bacteria.

But when your stomach acid is suppressed or destroyed with medication, bacteria with strong toxins pass through your stomach and into the intestines, where they can cause severe diarrhea and a wide number of illnesses (think: E. coli or salmonella).

Your natural enzyme supply

Now, the wrath of acid reducers doesn’t stop there.

Because, you see, when the acids in your stomach are interrupted by medication, your digestion is stopped or greatly slowed down.

Your stomach is smart and knows when this is happening. So it tries to release MORE acid so it can break down the food.

But of course the medication works on that additional acid too.

So the stomach tries again…and again…and again.

This can happen over and over for 8-10 hours or more. And what you end up with is a pool of excess acid that can glide up into your throat and turn you into a fire-breathing dragon.

Plus, this excess secretion of acid over and over depletes your natural enzyme reserve. In other words, you use up far more than Nature intended you to when digesting a meal.

If that goes on too long, you can come dangerously close to running low (or running out).

That’s a major reason why many elderly people have stomach problems when they never had them before in their lives. Their natural enzyme supply is low or non-existent.

What can you do?

Now you’re probably thinking, “Ok, it’s great to know all this. Now what the heck am I supposed to do about my acid reflux? (Or heartburn, GERD, etc.)

Glad you asked because the solution is easy (and logical).

It involves these two things:

1- Compensating for the damage you’ve probably caused already to your enzyme supply with antacid use and

2- Foods that don’t cause indigestion!
The Blue Rock Holistics product, Digestizol Max, was formulated to dramatically help give your enzymes a boost, and/or help preserve your supply so you have some into your golden years.

Digestizol Max has 14 potent plant-derived enzymes and 5 herbs that will give your body the help it needs to break down heavy proteins, complex carbs and sticky fats.  Even if your diet sucks.

Plant-derived enzymes have been shown to be between 10 and 100 times MORE effective at digesting proteins, fats and carbohydrates than animal enzymes. Plus, the plant origins make them suitable for vegetarians and meat eaters alike!

Like all of our pharmaceutical-grade products, Digestizol Max ranks off the charts on efficacy, and does it without a high price tag.

Learn more about Digestizol Max and all the ways it can help you here:
Now, for the food part…

Don’t think you can solve all your problems with a digestive enzyme supplement.

Because if you continue to eat badly combined meals and too many acid-forming foods, you will be shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to your health. Digestive enzyme supplements are great, but they cannot compensate for a lifetime of poor eating habits and the health problems they cause.

The good news is that eliminating acid reflux is simple.

All it may take is following my advice in the Great Taste No Pain health system.

The Great Taste No Pain manuals spell out why it’s so important to avoid certain meal combinations. It’s logical and will make perfect sense to you. It will motivate you.

Then GTNP shows you what GOOD meal combinations are, shows you how to plan meals, and even gives you a dining out card to carry with you so no matter where you go, you’ll know what to eat and what not eat to stay pain-free!

There is no other guide like it ever published, literally.

And let’s not forget the 112 delicious dishes in the recipe book that you will absolutely LOVE. Savory soups and stews. Tasty salads. Appetizers you’ll be proud to serve your party guests. Even desserts! (Yes, I show you how to enjoy dessert without suffering consequences.)

The winning combination of Digestizol Max and Great Taste No Pain will help you say goodbye to antacids and all their dangers for GOOD.

To your health,

Sherry Brescia

Food combining, GERD, heartburn, acid reflux, great taste no pain